
Endocrinologist: Why Would I Visit and What Can I Expect?

If your doctor feels that the underlying issue of a medical illness is linked to hormone production, he or she may recommend you for an endocrinology consultation, or a specialist in endocrinology. These physicians are qualified to identify and treat disorders affecting the glands and hormones. An endocrinologist works under a health care company to rebalance the hormones in the body’s systems.

Why would I visit an Endocrinologist?

The human endocrine system is made up of many glands that secrete hormones to regulate a wide range of processes. Environmental or genetic factors may contribute to an unbalanced hormonal response. Endocrine diseases can be divided into three categories:

  • A glandular does not make enough of the hormones it produces. Endocrine gland hyposecretion is what causes this.
  • The overproduction of hormones by a gland is known as hypersecretion.
  • In the endocrine glands, tumors form. They could be cancerous or benign, or they could be malignant or cancer-free.

Here are a few conditions from an imbalance of hormones that may warrant seeing an endocrinologist for health care services:

  • Parathyroid Gland

Stones inside the urinary system and brittle, easily fractured bones may be caused by hypersecretion.

Tetany, or involuntary muscle contractions, called hyposecretion, are brought on by low calcium levels in plasma.

  • Adrenal Gland

Overexcitabilities, sweating, elevated blood pressure, and Cushing’s disease can all result from hypersecretion.

Mineralocorticoid deficiency, Addison’s disease, a decrease in energy, weight loss and anaemia can all result from hyposecretion.

  • Pancreas

A high secretion level can result in hyperinsulinism, and excessive insulin can cause low blood sugar.

One kind of diabetes may result from hyposecretion

  • Thoracic Gland

A hyperactive immune system that overreacts to potential threats may result from hypersecretion. An autoimmune condition could develop as a result.

Hyposecretion may result in a weaker immune system, making it easier for the body to contract viruses, germs, and other infections.

  • Thymus Gland

The main reason for hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease. A faster metabolism, increased sweating, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), weight loss, and anxiety are possible side effects.

Fatigue, weight gain, sadness, irregular bone development, developmental delays, and stunted growth are all possible effects of hypothyroidism.

  • Hypothalamic Gland

Excessive growth, or gigantism, may result from hypersecretion.

Short stature and delayed bone growth could result from hyposecretion.

What can I expect when visiting an Endocrinologist?

In order to make a diagnosis and provide you with health care solutions on the initial visit, the physician will ask the individual a number of questions. These could include:

  • Existing prescription drugs
  • Genetic history of hormonal issues
  • Additional medical conditions, such as allergies
  • Diet practices
  • Making a list of any presenting symptoms before a visit may be helpful.

The endocrinologist may inquire about symptoms that don’t seem necessary or related to one another. This is because alterations in hormone levels can have an effect on regions of the body that are distant from the glands themselves because they have such a broad impact on the body’s various systems. The health of the patient’s teeth, skin, hair and mouth will also be examined, along with their blood pressure and heart rate. Samples of blood and might be collected.


The body’s internal processes are impacted by hormones. A wide variety of health problems might result from an imbalance. If a family physician believes that a patient’s health issue is being caused by a hormone issue, they may recommend that patient see an endocrinologist. The online endocrinologist consultation makes it easy for you to get an appointment even if you are busy or somewhere remote. When choosing the clinic make sure they provide you with a consult endocrinologist online.

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